I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

My services

Download a complete list of my services.

Over the years, I've added a wide variety of skills and experiences to my background. These diverse skills help me offer more to my clients than other freelancers. And these skills work together to help you succeed.

My core skills

My core skills are things that I do on a regular basis. These skills include design, editorial and production.


I can design a wide variety of things for you, including:

  • Branding (logos, identity packages, stylesheets)
  • Print pieces (brochures, books, sales sheets, promotional items)
  • Websites and multimedia (videos, blogs, etc)
  • Custom illustrations and images, including cartoons and caricatures
  • Custom gifts and giveaways (t-shirts, mugs, and other products)

RELATED: See my 100% print-ready guarantee


Does your project need a writer to help create your message? I can help.

  • Print communications (brochures, posters, flyers, etc)
  • Online content (web pages, blog posts, social media, SEO, etc)
  • Videos (scripts and storyboards)
  • Presentation slides and talking points


I've worked for print companies in the past, and I've worked with many print vendors over the years on behalf of my clients. This saves you from having to understand printer specs or developer jargon. And this helps your project get done quicker and cheaper.

  • Printer requirements and submission guidelines
  • Developer needs for file types and formatting
  • File requirements for hosting sites and online uploads

If you're having problems with your digital file, I can review it and help solve the problem.

READ: Get help with a presentation.

Other services I offer

I can provide extra services for you, to make sure your project stays on track:

  • I work with your printer or vendor to make sure the job is done right the first time. My print-ready guarantee says so.
  • I can review your website or blog to make sure your content is user-friendly and easy to read.
  • I can review your social media content to make sure you're getting the most out of it.

See for yourself

Set up your free 30-minute consultation today. We can discuss your current materials, or a future project. There's no obligation, and all it'll cost you is some time.