I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

How I can help you

I offer many benefits to you and your team, including:

  • Flexibility to add support when you need it
  • Working nights and weekends, so your project keeps moving forward
  • The skills of multiple roles in one person
  • Ability to work independently or as part of a team

RELATED: See my print-ready guarantee

Flexibility when you need it

Whether I join your team to help with one specific item, or as part of a long-term project, you have the ability to increase and decrease your support as your workload needs it. This can lower your operating costs.

One person, many roles

You only need to hire one person instead of many. Why pay for separate writers, designers, and video editors when have all of those skills? Less staff can also mean less communication issues, and faster turnaround times.

See for yourself

Set up your free 30-minute consultation today. We can discuss your current materials, or a future project. There's no obligation, and all it'll cost you is some time.