I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

My print-ready guarantee

When you work with me, you get my “100% print-ready guarantee.” That means the designs I create for you will print correctly the first time. You won't pay extra to ensure your project meets your printer's specs.

Why do I offer this?

Many printers have detailed specifications for any file submitted to them for printing. They use these specs to ensure the file is printed correctly and efficiently on the machines they have. Matching these specs ensures your job prints correctly, saving you time and money.

How does the guarantee work?

  • Before I begin work, I'll ask for the name of your printer. Their file submission specs are usually posted on their website.
  • I'll design my file to match your printer's specifications.
  • Once you give final approval for the layout, I'll submit the file. If your printer needs any edits to the file, you won't pay for them.

What's not included?

  • Any edits requested by you after final approval. These will be billed at my normal rate.
  • If you change printers after final approval, and there are edits needed to meet the new printer's specs. These new edits will be billed at my normal rate.

See for yourself

Set up your free 30-minute consultation today. We can discuss your current materials, or a future project. There's no obligation, and all it'll cost you is some time.