
I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

Editorial images

I created this image based on a doodle I created in a boring meeting. Go to my blog to see more examples.

Digital illustration.

Employee video images

Designed the look for an employee video about meeting with your manager. This included characters, backgrounds, and promotional posters. I experimented with a modern look, especially for the background elements.

Digital illustration.

The evolution of an idea

Originally drawn for the title slide of a presentation, I liked this idea so much I created it for my website.

Digital illustration.

The burden

Sometmes our own opinions can become burdens.

Pen and colored pencil on illustration board.

2009 Diversity Calendar Winner

This image was created for an internal calendar celebrating all forms of diversity. I chose to portray the idea of thinking against the norms, and was chosen for the month of June.

Pen and ink, colored pencil, digital illustration.


Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy. Digital illustration.

A day in the life of your average pig

A series of images created for a client's retirement plan, featuring the official mascot "Penny". Penny leads a full and active retirement, including travel, sports, and visiting with the grandchildren.

Digital illustrations.

Experimenting with pattern fills

I was asked to create a series of illustrations for a client's retirement brochure, so I used this as an opportunity to experiment with scanned pattern fills in Illustrator.

Various scanned hand-drawn patterns, digital color.