
I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

Planes that go round

This image was based on a concept sketch I drew for a mural I painted in my nephew's bedroom.

I didn't use this image, but I think it would make a great print for a bedroom. Stay tuned!

Super-secret sauce label

Some people will go to ultimate extremes for a great sauce ... and this sauce is no exception. A distinct label for a very distinct sauce, given as a Christmas gift to a select group of lucky people.

Personal cartoon icons

These were originally created for a personal website, to represent my various service offerings. While they never made it onto my site (yet), they did make it onto my business card!

Digital illustrations.

I also use one of them as a social media profile pic.

Single-panel caption contest

I created a series of single-panel cartoons for an internal newsletter. The cartoons were used for a caption contest open to all department members. Each cartoon displays its winning caption. Read more on my blog.

Pen and ink, pencil, digital illustrations.

Party animals

Cartoon animals used as party decorations for my nephew's farm-themed birthday party. Printed onto oversize printer paper, then cut out and hung on the wall.

Digital illustration

Matching a client's existing style

These spot cartoons were created for a client proposal, and designed to match their existing 1950's inspired images. They looked so similar, the client originally thought we had used their own files!

Digital illustrations