I'm a freelance multimedia designer with skills in design, illustration and video.

I need help with a design

You want your project to look its best, but also match your existing brand. Or you need a completely new look for a new project. But you don't have the staff to get it done, and you don't understand what your printer/developer is asking for. What can you do?

I can help.

What can I design for you?

I have a lot of experience designing a lot of things. My focus is on providing you layouts that meet your needs and are easily produced.

Brand identity system

If you need to upgrade your existing brand or create a new one, my design packages include:

  • Separate versions of your logo in 1-color, 2-color, and full color
  • Different formats of your logo (print/web, vertical/horizontal, etc)
  • Font styles and colors (including color mixes for print and online)
  • Branded layouts for stationery (business cards, letterhead, notecards) and online profiles
  • A 1-page brand map showing your brand styles and logo usage

Marketing materials

I make sure all your communications look and sound consistent.

  • Brochures, including multi-fold and pamphlets
  • Sales sheets, product pages, catalogs, postcards, mailers
  • Books (internal layout and cover), eBooks, white papers

Promotions and events

Make sure your upcoming event gets attention and looks professional.

  • Event poster, brochures, and signage
  • Presentation slide decks (writing and layout)
  • Branded giveaways and keepsakes

Online profiles that match your print materials

Your online profiles—including your blog, video, social media accounts—match the look of your website and print materials.

  • Images that match the host site's guidelines (correct file type and dimensions)
  • Branded profile pictures
  • Branded charts and diagrams

Learn more

Set up your free 30-minute consultation today. We can discuss your current materials, or a future project. There's no obligation, and all it'll cost you is some time.